Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Last King of Doyle

Jake travels to West Africa to put his medical degree to use, and volunteers for Doctors Without Borders, because he's that kind of guy. He returns to Newfoundland to discover that the province has lost Labrador to Quebec and seceded. Newfoundland is now an independent country, the Democratic People's Republic of Newfoundland. Jake meets the Dear Leader and Man of a Thousand Songs, Ron Hynes, and becomes his personal doctor and PI. Hynes' leadership is inspirational, but Newfoundland falls on hard times and hits bankruptcy...again.

The international courts decide to divide Newfoundland into territories based on geology: the eastern half is governed by a group of West African countries, and the western half is governed by the League of United States' Appalachian States. These new influences and the rush of immigrants from both parts of the world divides West and East Newfoundland further, until civil war breaks out.

Jake ends the war, reunites the country, helps deliver a baby in a taxi, and beds more than the usual number of ladies.
After Doyle crowns himself King of Newfoundland, there is still enough time left in the episode for Newfoundland to invade Russia.

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