Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jake Two-Two and the Hooded Fang

In a fit of sibling related rage Jake runs away from home. For the first few hours everyone just assumes that Jake went to the Duke to console himself in an unending parade of pints. It is only when they don't find a hung-over and slightly fetid Jake on the living room couch the next morning that they realize something is amiss.

While on the run Jake meets up with some mysterious figures and ends up joining them on a trip to Bell Island. Only once Jake has entered their underground lair (the old iron ore mine shafts) does he realize that he may have fallen in with some bad people, particularly the hoodie wearing Fang (the self-appointed leader of the group).

Though Jake still can't stand his siblings (both of whom are now living with Mal and Rose) he decides that their annoying traits are better than being caught up with a band of petty criminals who live in abandoned mine shafts on an island with bad ferry service. Of course, Fang et al aren't keen on having Jake leave now that he knows all of their secrets and the location of their secret hideout.

Jake, as you might expect, manages to escape from Fang and his gang by using his street fighting skills and booby trap setting expertise, and at one point he even resorts to blinding them with the beauty of his rock-hard abs.

When Jake finally makes it back home he gives Leslie a call and tells her about the squatters on Bell Island. After a quick SWAT operation Fang and his team are rounded up and sent to HMP (along with many of Jake's other antagonists).

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