Thursday, March 3, 2011

Eyes Wide Doyle

Jake realizes that more than anything he wants to be a member of a secret sex club. Sadly, as hard as Jake tries he just can't find such a club in St. John's. With Des's help Jake decides to once and for all find a club and have them make him a member.

Eventually Jake gets a good lead and ventures out to a large house in St. Philips. After managing to talk his way through the guards at the front door Jake is able to enter the more sinful parts of the house. Everything is going very well until Jake notices a puff of strangely familiar red hair. It doesn't take long to figure out that it is Rose's hair that he can see that that likely means his father is nearby. As Jake is heading for the exit Mal and Rose look up and see Jake leaving.

When everyone is back at work the next day they pretend as though nothing happened and Jake realizes that he is no longer interested in joining a secret sex club.

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