Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Doyle

A refined Southern gentleman was found passed out in a snowbank just off of George Street.  When he came to in the lock-up the only name he could remember was Malachy Doyle.

When Mal finally reached the lock-up he was surprised to see a complete stranger.  He couldn't help but wonder why this man's post-drunken stupor memory was his name.  But being the nice guy that he is, Mal agreed to sign the guy out of the lock-up and promised to keep an eye on him until he regained his sense of self.

Rose, being the great host that she is, immediately set to making their mystery man at home in the Doyle residence.  Of course Tinny was busy being a brat but everyone did their best to ignore this.

After a few hours the man had regained enough of his senses to recount his story.  He remembered that his name was Harlan T. Jefferson and that he was in town on oil business.  He also remembered that his wife had given him Malachy's name and told him that if was ever in St. John's and needed help he should feel free to contact his long-lost cousin Malachy Doyle.

Jake, instead of accepting this new family member with open arms, smelled a rat.  He was immediately suspicious of Harlan T. Jefferson's story, if not the man himself.

Jake soon set out to get to the bottom of Jefferson's wife's story.  Jake soon pieced together than instead of being a relative of the Doyle's she was actually a former admirer of Malachy's from his high school days.  Wanda Jefferson, nee Murphy, had never forgotten Mal and hoped that the creation of such an elaborate back-story might allow her the opportunity to open a similarly named detective agency in Montgomery, Alabama (the couple's place of residence) to cover-up the losses her hair salon had been recently experiencing.

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