Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Curious Case of Benjamin Doyle

Doyles being Doyles it's hardly uncommon for Jake or Mal to run into someone claiming to be a relation of theirs.  While most of these instances of claimed familial association are entirely imagined, from time to time there is some truth the claims.

Not too long ago Jake was stopped on the street by someone claiming to be his long lost brother, Benjamin Doyle.  Of course Jake was somewhat skeptical as he didn't recall ever having heard about Benjamin, or even know how he would have come into existence.

After Benjamin explained to Jake that he was the result of a brief but intense love affair between Mal and Benjamin's mother while Mal was stationed with the RNC on Fogo he went on to claim to have been blessed with some of the families detecting gifts.  Benjamin claimed he was so good that the only crime committed on the island were the bootlegging he did from the mainland, he had everything else under control.

As Jake was in the midst of a tough case at the moment he invited Benjamin to join the investigation, though with the agreement they wouldn't let Mal or Rose know about ol' Benny's origin story.

And, then, as suddenly as Benjamin appeared he disappeared, never to be heard from again.  Given the complexity of the case and that Jake no longer had a detecting partner he was unable to make any more progress and had to hand things over to Tinny and Des.

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