Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Doyles

After running into trouble for illegally detaining a perp, Jake and Mal are taken to task by the RNC.  Jake, convinced that he is suffering a miscarriage of justice, decides that if pleading the 5th isn't an option for him (he tried that first), he will somehow try to get out of trouble by making use of the all powerful 'not withstanding clause.'

Jake is super bummed when he learns that even governments can't use the notwithstanding clause on the "Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned" clause and that a person can't take advantage of the notwithstanding clause at all.  What a tease.

Anyway, at least during the proceedings there was another hot crown prosector for Jake to seduce.  All is right with the world, even if Jake does now have a criminal record.

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