Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Doyle to America

After years of unsuccessful mating attempts Mal sends Jake to the wilds of Queens (New York) to find himself a suitable bride/lady PI partner. Since Mal doesn't trust Jake to actually find a suitable partner he sends Walter along to supervise the hunt.

As soon as Walter and Jake step out of the subway station and onto the mean streets of Queens they realize that they are a long way from the Goulds and the Mount Pearl curls of their youth. Of course Jake being Jake, they soon spot a potential quarry. While tracking the potential bride they are reported as stalkers and arrested by the NYPD hottest cop, Elaine Murphy.

Jake and Walter, in a half-hearted attempt to retain some self-respect, do not reveal their true identities or the nature of their mission to the arresting officer. Instead, they hope to take Queens (and, as it turns out, the heart of the arresting officer) on their own terms.

Much to everyone's surprise, particularly the father of the NYPD's hottest cop, Elaine and Jake soon strike up a relationship (all the while Elaine doesn't know that Jake is actually a PI on a mission).

Walter soon tires of the grind of being an underpaid illegal immigrant in New York and convinces Jake return to St. John's with Elaine in tow.

Almost immediately after she arrives Elaine realizes that not only does she not really understand what people in Newfoundland are saying, but that Jake is actually a lowly PI. Upset at being so effectively deceived Elaine immediately hops on a return flight to New York and leaves Jake for good.

Fortunately for Jake Leslie is still hanging around and quite willing to allow herself be seduced on a somewhat regular basis.


jlye said...

Is NYPD hot considered hotter than Newfoundland hot? Basically, is she a 4 or a 5?

Cameron said...

I think she would be a hard 5.