Monday, February 21, 2011

Catcher in the Doyle

In this rare Tinny-centric episode, Tinny gets expelled from school after a teacher discovers that she has been dealing home-grown pot to other students. Knowing that she can't face Jake, Mal, and Rose, Tinny flees St. John's and makes her way to a seedy bar just outside of Foxtrap. After having a fling with a local boy, a very intoxicated Tinny hallucinates about falling off a cliff into a field of rye. Having never read "Catcher in the Rye" (she never really was much of an academic), Tinny believes the rye represents marijuana, and that her fall into the field symbolizes a safety net from her failed attempt at a proper education. Tinny returns to St. John's to resume her pot growing operation, having learned absolutely nothing from her ordeal.

Alternative Title: Doyle in the Rye

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